parpay 5K milestone
September 15, 2023
As a small start-up business with a genuine passion and vision to positively impact thousands of lives, we love to celebrate every person, every partner, every achievement and every worthy milestone who help us, help others.
We set-out with a bold and ambitious idea to pioneer early-income-pay specifically designed for #mortgageloanofficers understanding their unique and complex commission pay structure.
Recently, we reached an important and affirmative milestone. We have been able to share our business value and solution by pushing our unique web visitors to over five- thousand viewers since our launch earlier this year. {I know, we know, in a digital world with 50K hits per day, comparatively, this is small}. However, intangibly it is worth Gold to me.
This milestone affirms our unwavering belief that our unique and narrowly focused platform is providing a relevant and reliable use-case for Mortgage Loan Officers. Serving a purpose greater than us through educating mortgage professionals about their own financial wellness options. MLO's focus so much on their client's financial wellness needs and goals, they may have forgotten they too, deserve tools and attention for the benefit of them.
That is what we do! And we see the excitement and curiosity growing around our purpose and inspiration.
We are driven by possibilities, innovation and solutions that matter. That make a difference to people, most of whom we'll never meet. We are driven to fill an often-unspoken need. We are driven to create options for better living and reduce financial stress that can improve relationships at home and work. Enhancing the lives of others through our purpose. If we can do THAT, then we’ve already earned our profit.
Humbly, thank you for your interest in our company and your support. Please share our platform and concept with friends and colleagues.
Mark E. Carlson